Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung in Frankreich – Enhanced Producer Responsibility in France (Repeat)
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Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung in Frankreich – Enhanced Producer Responsibility in France (Repeat)

Die AHK Frankreich bietet englischsprachige Webinare zur Erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung in Frankreich in den Bereichen Produkte und Verpackungen an. /// The Franco-German Chamber of Commerce will hold webinars on Enhanced Producer Responsibility in France concerning products and packaging.

Die deutsch-französische AHK lädt am 7. und 21. November zu Webinaren in englischer Sprache rund um die Erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung und entsprechende Labelling- und Reporting-Vorschriften in Frankreich ein.

On 7 and 21 November, the Franco-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) invites you to webinars on extended producer responsibility and corresponding labelling and reporting regulations in France.

The Chamber will inform about the following:

  • Extended Producer Responsibility in France,
  • Concerned products and packaging,
  • French reporting obligations for products and packaging,
  • French labelling obligations for products and packaging,
  • Decree 2022-748 about environmental qualities and characteristics,
  • Prevention and eco-design plans.

You can register to the free English webinars via the links below:

Tuesday, 7 November 2023 10 AM CET Extended Producer Responsibility in France: Reporting and Labelling Obligations for Products and Packaging
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 6 PM CET Extended Producer Responsibility in France: Reporting and Labelling Obligations for Products and Packaging

Guest speakers:

  • Grischka Nissen | Consultant | Environmental Reporting and Compliance (AHK France)
  • Solveig Rist | Consultant | Environmental Reporting and Compliance (AHK France)

We are looking forward to your registration!

Since 1991, the Environmental Department of the Franco-German Chamber of Trade and Industry has been offering extensive expertise, in particular in the national implementation of European legislation regarding packaging, electrical and electronic equipment and batteries. The Department provides exporting companies with expert advice and comprehensive support, enabling them to concentrate on their core business.